Frequently Asked Questions
Accessing services can be a large task to undertake. That's why we're here. We want to help you make this as easy as possible. We've gathered some of the most frequently asked questions below. If you don't see an answer to a question you have, please contact us.
How do I get started if I suspect my child has autism?
Talking with your pediatrician is a great place to start. He or she can complete the M-CHAT, which is a screening tool used to assess the risk for autism. If your pediatrician feels there is a risk, he or she can refer you to the State Autism Services Unit. That unit will provide you with information about services available and how to access them.
What are the NORTH DAKOTA funding options available that POPPY'S PROMISE ACCEPTS?
We currently serve children in the Bismarck-Mandan area through the traditional Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Waiver, and through the Medicaid State Plan (Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment - EPSDT). Please ask about private insurance and private pay options as well.
What ages do you serve?
We currently serve children and young adults from birth to 21 years old.
What is epsdt?
EPSDT stands for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment. It is the part of Medicaid coverage that is available to children from birth to age 21. Additional information can be found here.
Do you only serve individuals who are diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder?
No, we do not limit our services to only individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. We serve individuals with a variety of disabilities. Contact us for additional information about our services and intake process.
what is your staffing ratio?
We base our staffing ratio on the needs of the children we serve and requirements of each funding source. We generally have a 1:1 staff to child ratio.
How many hours per month will my child receive?
In our ABA program, Board Certified Behavior Analysts determine the amount of service that will be appropriate based on each child and young adult’s unique needs. Comprehensive assessment will be completed to help determine the number of hours each month. The ASD Waiver provides a set amount of 40 respite hours per month. The DD Waiver provides 50 hours per month of respite services. The DD Program Manager works with families to identify the number of hours of In-Home Support for those served through the traditional DD Waiver.
Do you provide transportation?
Poppy's Promise staff are able to provide transportation as part of respite and in-home support services. Transportation is not included as part of our ABA program.
Are you able to come to school meetings such as an IEP?
We aim to provide wrap-around services which includes collaborating with your child's school. We can attend meetings such as an IEP to ensure continuity if you request us to do so.
Contact Us for Additional Information